At Eco Island, we are constantly developing and designing new nature-based solutions. If you would like to be part of the development of your solution please contact us and let us create the perfect solution that fits your specific needs.
All our Nature-Based Solutions are multi-beneficial & will

Restore & protect ecosystems

Improve water quality

Function as new recreational areas

Improve biodiversity

Create more urban nature

Work as habitats for wildlife, microorganisms & insects
Floating Treatment Wetlands for Water Purification
Our Floating Treatment Wetlands are designed to remove dissolved nutrients and heavy metals from water bodies while supporting other natural purification processes in the water, such as sedimentation and denitrification. The solution is an in-situ, low-cost treatment method that does not require any land. Each solution is designed to help target and remove the specific pollutants our customers struggle to remove from water bodies.
The system can help remove contaminants like heavy metals, excessive nutrients, COD, and TSS and we advise you to combine it with our water monitoring system EcoSMART for optimal water management.
Based on scientific research regarding plants and plant-bacteria interactions in Floating Treatment Wetlands, we select plants and biofilm that have proven effective in removing the specific pollutants our customers want to target.
The Floating Treatment Wetland can also be customized in size due to its scalable and modular design.
The solution requires low maintenance and can easily be installed in retention ponds, plant lagunes in aquaculture, waste stabilisation ponds, treatment plants and much more.
Contact us for more details

EcoSMART for Remote Water Monitoring
EcoSMART is a cloud-based software system that can monitor water quality parameters using different in-situ sensors to show instant data on current water quality levels and historical data on the development of water quality parameters. In addition, EcoSMART has incorporated an early warning system and can collect data on any selected water quality parameter you might need.
EcoSMART can collect data on parameters such as:
- Nutrient levels e.g. nitrate, phosphate, ammonia etc.
- pH, turbidity, conductivity etc.

Floating Ecosystem for Ecosystem Restoration
The Floating Ecosystem is a nature-based solution designed to mimic natural wetlands and help restore the natural balance in damaged water-based ecosystems.
The Floating Ecosystem increases local biodiversity, improves water quality and functions as a habitat for life above and below the water surface.
The Floating Ecosystem is designed to have several benefits. Like a natural wetland, it will function as a habitat for birds and amphibians. The roots provide a hiding place and breeding grounds for fish and the solution will also create shade for life below the water surface during the hot summer days.
In addition, the microorganisms attached to the plant roots will help remove pollutants from the water and thereby improve water quality, which will positively affect the rest of the ecosystem.
It will also be a hotel for pollinators, dragonflies, and butterflies and support the local combination of flora.
The solution can easily be installed in water bodies and requires low maintenance once established.
If you want more information please contact us and let’s talk

Rain Pockets for Cloudburst Mitigation
Rain Pocket is a nature-based, regenerative cloudburst management solution designed to collect and purify runoff from roofs and roads.
Rain Pockets are small installations that can be applied everywhere in the city to collect rainwater. The Rain Pocket will collect the water from roofs and improve water quality, removing metals like Zn, Pb, Cu, nutrients and other pollutants.
The Rain Pocket is a tool to help adapt to future climate change and severe cloudbursts. As a small-scale solution, it can be installed all over the city. To manage the water most effectively, we advise you to combine Rain Pockets with EcoSMART, our water monitoring system.

Planted Coir Logs & Pillows for Erosion Control
Our products for erosion control are made of organic materials and are quick and easy to install when you need to restore exposed edges, slopes, and shores.
Our solutions are perfect for slopes, retention ponds, and canals where logs and coconut pads reinforce the areas, prevent erosion and create better conditions for plants to take root.
Our coconut products are 100% biodegradable and naturally compost within 2-5 years, giving the plants plenty of time to become established.
For more information please contact us

New Habitats & Floating Hotels for Biodiversity improvement
The Floating Island offers 360° of biodiversity above and below the Floating Island. It can be designed as a hotel for pollinators, butterflies, and dragonflies as well as a home for amphibians like frogs.
The Floating Island can carry birds and we design the Island so it can be a nest for swans, ducks, and migratory birds among others. The design will depend on the weight and size of the bird and which plants and materials the bird naturally use to build a nest.
The plant roots suspended in the water will give the fish hiding and breeding grounds, and the Floating Island will provide the fish shade during the warm summer.
The Floating Islands will mimic natural wetlands and have several benefits like improvement of water quality, new recreational areas and restoration of the local ecosystem.
If you want more information about the solution please contact us

Pocket Parks for Urban Nature
Pocket Parks are nature-based solutions designed to bring nature into urban spaces simply and easily.
Pocket Park can be installed everywhere in the cityscape to bring nature closer to the public. By bringing nature closer to the citizens if will increase the liveability in the cities.
Pocket Park uses phytoremediation to improve the quality of the soil and water it gets in contact with and will beautify the local area.
Unlike most of our solutions, the Pocket Parks do not float and can instead be installed at squares, piers, streets, playgrounds, and everywhere you choose.
The solution will attract pollinators, and butterflies and function as a hotel for insects in general, thereby increasing biodiversity.

Floating Parks for Urban Nature
Floating Park creates new beautiful urban nature without competing for the expensive m^2 in the city and makes it possible to get both more housing and nature without one compromising the other.
The Floating Parks increase liveability and human well-being in the cities by creating new urban nature and offering calm and stimulating surroundings and experiences, making them a valuable alternative to existing urban spaces. You can combine the Floating Park with our Living Lab, making it a learning experience and attraction that will give the citizens and visitors a chance to interact with nature in an exciting and new way.
The Floating Parks can be designed so the citizens can walk among the floating islands, giving the city a uniquely designed park, unlike others. The Park can be placed on the water or near the canal wall or reservoir bank.
We will design the Floating Park based on your wishes and activate the city’s blue-green infrastructure.
For more details about the Floating Parks please contact us and let us help you design and develop your next park.

Living & Learning Labs
Our Living and Learning Lab is designed for knowledge sharing and transformational experiences and as a platform that engages the young and the elderly, the families, and the students. With the Living Lab, the citizens will access knowledge in a fun and exciting new way.
The Living Lab is a platform for the engagement of local communities and can create significant value for the communities and increase liveability.
This community engagement can be incorporated into the design of, for example, Floating Parks that can be designed with floating platforms that will allow citizens to visit the Floating Parks.
In this way, children’s curiosity will be stimulated, and children and adults can learn about ecosystems, the importance of water quality, hydroponics, plants, blue biodiversity, and much more.
The Living Lab activities can include events, quizzes, knowledge seminars, and hands-on experiences with nature.
If you want more information please contact us